I try and list the books that have helped me in preparing my presentations. The links will take you onto the Amazon pages where you can see more reviews
In Pursuit of The Trivial : a book about nothing
It would of course be remiss of me to mention my own book
The Person in Personalisation
Disney heavy buts brings in perspectives from practitioners
Hello $Firstname
Neat if simplistic view that lends itself to marketing automation practitioners
Understanding Personalization
Ok, a bit academic but has some useful pointers in there
Behavioural Science / Economics
Branding that Means Business
The Choice Factory: 25 behavioural biases that influence what we buy
A great mix of academia and real life examples. The Choice Factory is an entertaining and highly-accessible read, with 25 short chapters, each addressing a cognitive bias and outlining easy ways to apply it to your own business challenges. Dip in or read cover to cover and you ll be full of new ideas, ready to crack any brief.
General Great Reads
The End of the World Is Just the Beginning
Who Makes the NBA?
Black Box Thinking: Marginal Gains and the Secrets of High Performance: The Surprising Truth About Success
Matthew Syed tells the inside story of how success really happens - and how we cannot grow unless we are prepared to learn from our mistakes.
Ends.: Why we overlook endings for humans, products, services and digital. And why we shouldn’t.
I had the pleasure of listening to Joe speak at Customer Engagement event. His book is an interesting view on how we ignore ‘endings’. Thought provoking read.
Ten Reasons We're Wrong About The World - And Why Things Are Better Than You Think
Decoded: The Science Behind Why We Buy
Some of the anecdotes are really thought-provoking for anyone in marketing and advertising. Backed up with research . Well worth a read for anyone in marketing and advertising