A Brief History of AD BC CRM, Data, Strategygianfranco cuzziolJanuary 14, 2025data, MeasurementComment
Measuring the Impact of Generative AI in CRM, Loyalty, and Personalisation: A Data-Driven Approach AI, CRM, Datagianfranco cuzziolJanuary 13, 2025AI, loyalty, CLV, Measurement, dataComment
Navigating the Complex World of Customer Data Platforms: A Refined Strategy Data, Personalisationgianfranco cuzziolFebruary 7, 2024CDP, customer experience, dataComment
Selling sunglasses on the M5 Data, DMA, Retailgianfranco cuzziolMay 21, 2019data, customer experience, customer journeysComment
Thinking out loud - CX and AI Retail, CX, Thinking out loudgianfranco cuzziolJanuary 28, 2019AI, data, retailComment
Webinar Takeaways: Why Did the Customer Cross the Road? Data, Retailgianfranco cuzziolJanuary 21, 2019data, Retail, cx, customer experience, crmComment
Thinking out loud - Relevance, personalisation, tailored? Thinking out loudgianfranco cuzziolJanuary 10, 2019data, Personalisation, relevanceComment
Thinking out loud - Why aren’t we personalising more? Thinking out loudgianfranco cuzziolDecember 13, 2018Personalisation, technology, dataComment
New Year’s resolutions for 2019 when it comes to data and technology Datagianfranco cuzziolDecember 10, 2018crm, data, 2019, LinkedIn, email, conversion, emotional, brand, automationComment
A clever blend of data is key to building loyalty Data, Loyaltygianfranco cuzziolApril 25, 2017loyalty, dataComment
Gamification is now the point when it comes to customer loyalty Data, Loyalty, Gamificationgianfranco cuzziolNovember 27, 2015gamification, black friday, loyalty, dataComment