Measuring the Impact of Generative AI in CRM, Loyalty, and Personalisation: A Data-Driven Approach AI, CRM, Datagianfranco cuzziolJanuary 13, 2025AI, loyalty, CLV, Measurement, dataComment
Is the future of loyalty pointless? Data, Loyalty, CRMgianfranco cuzziolAugust 8, 2022loyalty, Personalisation, trust, subscriptionComment
‘’Pay no attention to that man behind the curtain!’’ Loyalty, CRM, Strategygianfranco cuzziolJanuary 8, 2021crm, loyalty, global, leadershipComment
A clever blend of data is key to building loyalty Data, Loyaltygianfranco cuzziolApril 25, 2017loyalty, dataComment
Gamification is now the point when it comes to customer loyalty Data, Loyalty, Gamificationgianfranco cuzziolNovember 27, 2015gamification, black friday, loyalty, dataComment